Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Feeling weary

Last night, I went to an evening meeting at Leeds Writers Circle for the first time in 2011. It was the judging go the screenplay competition. Only 7 people entered and I came nowhere, which as there were four prizes was a blow. Still, at least I went for a change.
This morning I saw my therapist for the second time. She’s really nice and seems to have a handle on the problems I’ve been facing, so I’m feeling optimistic that seeing her is going to help. I spent the rest of the day preparing the programme for tomorrow’s workshop as well as going into Leeds city centre to meet the first of the men who answered my ad. His name was Alan and he was very nice. We had a lot in common, mainly music, but I’m not sure he’ll want to see me again. I’ve left it up to him as he would need to do the travelling. I’m just happy to have got the first one under my belt as I really am so out of practice with this kind of thing.
Funnily enough, it’s left me feeling rather tired which is strange. I might just catch up on some reading. I haven’t read the competition winners in Writers Forum for a while.

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