Friday, 4 March 2011


You know what it’s like when you get something new? That’s how I feel about Lulu at the moment. I’ve spent years wanting ot have some books that I can show to  people so that I feel like a REAL writer, now suddenly I have three.
What I love is that you can order as many or as few as you want. I’m going to take some with me to Trinity College on the 16th.
They hold an annual writers day with courses and speakers and the best thing is, it’s free. Last year one of the workshops led to an idea which I wrote up and sold to Woman’s Weekly.
If you’re interested in self publishing, why not follow the link below to my latest book? Then you might fancy having a go yourself.  It really is so simple – if it wasn’t I wouldn’t be doing it.  

My two new boarders have now arrived and are busy settling down. I confess I’m a bit nervous. Sally, the white terrier, is 12 and has had one stroke already. The other one is called Humber who has arthritis and a severe limp. He’s 8.
They’re both on different diets and lots of medication. It feels like a hug responsibility. I’ve got pages of notes. Wish me luck! I don’t want anything to happen to them while they’re here.

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