Wednesday 14 December 2011

Saving my inner child

I’m back on track, getting on with the next book, provisionally entitled Saving my inner child. You could call it a self help guide, designed to complement the wonderful book I found just a few short months ago, RESCUING THE INNER CHILD by Penny Parks. My book is about the therapy I’ve been doing since reading it and the massive changes it’s bringing about.
For the first time since I started writing in 1991, I’m writing something because I have something I think is worth saying, rather than as a way to make money. There must be thousands of people who, like me, had a bad childhood which has turned them into unhappy, unfulfilled adults. I want them to know that they can get better. I’m fifty six. I thought it was too late for me. I’d tried so many other therapies and treatments. I’d given up any hope of finding something that actually worked. Now I have found something, I want to let everybody know how great that feels. I’m starting to look forward to the future instead of wishing I could die.
I wrote 2300 words today. That together with an annoying cut on my right index finger, and having to play the keyboard for at least a few minutes every day, means that my arms are aching so much, I can hardly type!
It’s quiz night at Spice Yorkshire tonight. The weather is TERRIBLE. Cold, biting winds, driving rain. I really don’t fancy going out but know that it will do me good if I do. Time to check the coffers. Maybe I can treat myself to a cab.
Lulu have just paid me £7.67 for book sales so that’s a start. Each time they sell my books, it’s a great feeling because, apart from writing the books, they do all the work.

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