Wednesday 22 February 2012

Walking the dog

You know what they say about silver linings?
Today I’m feeling pretty rough – hacking cough, aching bones, and other boring symptoms, well my soon to be ex–lodger, who normally walks big dogs for me, has caught my bug and taken to his bed, or rather, hasn’t dragged himself out of bed all day. That meant I had to take Louis out for his walks. Louis is a love, a darling, I love him to bits, but he’s as strong as a herd of buffalo. When he wants to say hello to another dog, it’s very hard to hold him back. Last time I walked him I had to hang on to a lamp post to stop myself being dragged across the street when he spotted an Alsatian so it was with some trepidation that we set off. It was cold, wet and winy. I was coughing like a broken down train  but I managed it. That might not sound big to anyone else but it is for me. I’ve been rather worried that once John has moved out he won’t be as good at turning up for dog walking as he could be (the deal is he gets to store things in my garage in return for dog walking and occasional grass mowing). In short, I was wondering whether I would have to give up the job, something I really don’t’ want to do. The dogs give me so much pleasure. Now I know that even if he falls in love and moves to Timbuktu, I can cope. If I can do it when I’m ill, and manage not to be pulel doff my feet when he meets TWO dogs he wanted to play with, then I can manage without John. That is VERY good to know.
I’ve been getting on with the competition guide today and despite the bug, making good progress. The web site is starting to look good too and will be done by the time my book comes out. If you have time to check the site over, I’d love to hear any comments


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