Thursday, 10 November 2011

Kindle launch

I’ve just sent this press release to Writers Forum who said they will publish it, and my local paper who I’m waiting to hear from. I still feel like death only just warmed up so all this excitement is going way over my head. I don’t even own a Kindle.
‘Newcastle based Byker Books are delighted to announce that Linda Lewis – the Queen of 'Womag' fiction – has been signed to produce exclusive Kindle collections of short stories around various themes including Crime and Love. A series of writers’ guides will also be published, aimed at anyone who would like to be published in the competitive world of Women’s Magazines. The books will follow the Byker Books ethos of being available to all pockets and will be priced at just 99p each. Their mission is to expose and promote new authors whilst providing the reading public with quality material at an affordable price.
The first collection, simply called 'Crime' will be available from the Amazon Kindle store from Saturday 12th November 2011.
Linda, who writes the Short Story Success column each month in Writers Forum. She met the publisher at the National Association of Writers Groups Festival back in 2010. ‘That prompted me to submit a story to their 5th Radgepacket short story collection which was accepted. We met again at NAWG in 2011 and this venture is the result. Calling me the Queen of Womag was definitely their idea. There are many writers who deserve that title more than me.’
For all enquiries please contact or visit Linda can be contacted via her web site '

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Linda!

    I don't own a Kindle either, but I lot of people I know have one. Fingers crossed that it's a very successful venture for you.
