Friday, 22 April 2011

New competition, I hope

This morning, 2 people came from NAWG to discuss launching a short story competition, just when I was thinking of running one myself. I think they will run with it. If they do, I’ll have to put mine on hold. I’ll give them a week, then chase them about it.
They liked the garden, said it was dog friendly, which I took as a compliment, especially as I have a puppy coming to stay for Easter.
Once they’d gone, I set about revising two stories that came back from Take a Break yesterday. I’m changing them from third to first person and adjusting the length to suit Woman’s Weekly. I haven’t been selling much to them recently, thanks to concentrating on TAB. Mum phoned four times, asking if she can come to stay and getting cross when I said she’d need help. If I had a pound for every time she’s put the phone down on me, I could go to Italy tomorrow.
It was such a lovely day, I sat in the garden, and read Writers Forum. Usually I just skim it. Sometimes I don’t even read the competition winners. I’ve been trying to do that lately, to get a handle on the quality. This month, the winner wasn’t bad but I still think that the stories that won my last two competitions were much better.
Now that it’s not quite so hot, I’m going to go to Temple Newsam and see how things are growing there. Normally, I’d wait until I had a dog to stay, but Molly who’s coming tomorrow can’t have more than 20 minutes on the lead as she’d recently been spayed.
That reminds me, I haven’t had a copy of the booking form yet!
Must call Carole!

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