Thursday, 7 April 2011


Only one more day to go and the bathroom will be done. 
I can use the bath tonight, thank goodness, as I’ve just spent an hour in the garden, putting in peas, but have to make sure not to splash the grout.
This morning, rather than get caught up in the book or emails or anything else, I sat down and drafted a couple of new short stories. I've sold two this week, so it's vital to make up the mumbers as soon as possible. I’m not sure if they’re any good yet, as that doesn’t usually become clear until the second draft. It made a a change, getting away from the computer for a while. I've always preferred to write fiction with a pen and paper. I can’t explain why.
No word from Mum since Sunday. 
The day care has obviously made a big difference as since it started, the phone calls have dropped off. As she was calling me when she was upset, mostly with Denis, I’m sure that being apart from him, for at least part of the time, must be helping. If things could stay like this, it would be wonderful, but they won't. Eventually, I'll find out what Mum said to her solicitor, and whether or not she wants me in her life. Then it will be time to make up my mind, once and for all, what to do about it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm frankly amazed. Not only by how prolific and succesful your stories are (you've had more acceptances in the last week than I've had since before xmas), but how you seem to manage all the other life stuff at the same time.

    Keep at it, you're a bloody inspiration!
