Wednesday 31 August 2011

NAWG looming

I’m going to the NAWG festival of writing on Friday so spent quite a lot of time today sorting things out and deciding what to take with me. I’m going under my own steam for a change so a small case is essential. It’s only two nights so I shouldn’t need to take that much. The problem is, how warm, cool, freezing, wet or dry is it likely to be?????
My first task today was to finish the 2 stories I’d been working on and print them out ready to send to Take a Break. When I came home from Swanwick, I decided to write 5 stories then switch to something else for a change. I’ve actually managed six, which is good. The problem now is to decide what to do next so that I can set to work as soon as I get back from NAWG. I’d like to try more radio plays to see if I can crack the BBC, but I’ve also been promising myself that I’d give my novel a rewrite. Then there’s the book I started months ago, plus I need a story for my writers’ club short story competition.
I also want to put together the next in my series of writers guides which will either be on generating ideas or writing fillers.
Decisions, decisions. Shame I can’t write 2 things at once.
Tonight I’m going to the local working men’s club for a fashion show being put on by the local PDSA, using clothes from their charity shop. I tried to drum up interest from various neighbours but drew a blank so I’m having to go by myself. I’m going to ask my lodger to pick me up afterwards as I don’t fancy walking home by myself.

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