Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Looking for something

I feel so b*****y stupid. For once in my life, I have the chance of some peace and to do things for me, and I can’t raise enough energy to go into town for the singing.
I’m thinking, wait for it, of joining the WI. I really need something to live for, and maybe that’s a way of finding a cause or at least feeling part of something.
Any other ideas gratefully considered.
I'm in Leeds ( I don't drive).


  1. Hi Linda. Please try to get to the singing - I'm sure you'll feel better if you do. I often don't feel like going to my choir but am always glad when I get there. Another suggestion I can make is dancing in one form or another. As I mentioned in my blog, modern jive is easy, sociable and feelgood (it releases endorphins) and is a great exercise -does that appeal?

  2. I did try to offer solutions; perhaps you need to be more positive and open minded. Hope to see you at the next EL Writing Group.
