Just a bit of info about some new stuff from the tiny little upstart Northern publisher with a bite bigger than it's bark (that's us by the way!
We're pleased to announce that we've recently published another couple of very different tomes on the Amazon Kindle :-
'Tales From The Longcroft' - Darren Sant
Darren has created an excellent series of gritty urban tales (as evidenced by the five star reviews he's getting!) set in and around the fictional Longcroft Estate. Featuring the kind of flawed, blurred and, occasionally, downright sinister characters that inhabit today's Britain his work is a masterpiece of crime fiction and social realism combined. All we can say is just enjoy reading this first volume of three stories, look forward to the next one and, most of all, be glad you don't live there!
Why Short Stories Get Rejected - Linda Lewis
Did you resolve to get into print this year? Thought about writing for ages but never quite got around to doing it? Well we can help you change all that!Byker Books are delighted to announce that Linda Lewis – the Queen of ‘Womag’ fiction – has been signed to produce exclusive, Kindle only, writers guides. These much sought after books will give those writers who are serious about getting into print invaluable advice on the reality of getting published in todays climate. They will also follow the Byker ethos of being available to all pockets and as such will be priced at just 99p each. This continues our mission to expose and promote new and unknown authors whilst providing the reading and writing public with quality material at an affordable price. Again - these claims are borne out by the five star reviews that the series is garnering across the board.
At only 99p each these titles couldn't be better value for money so check them out as soon as you can.
Right then, the hard sell's over - time to give you something. We've interviewed Radgepacket stalwart Ian Ayris and you can see what he had to say for himself ahead of the publication of his debut novel 'Abide With Me' HERE. Also, he kindly donated a signed copy of the book for you to win in our competition HERE.
Right then, nearly the weekend, so keep on keeping on.
Byker Books
Industrial Strength Fiction
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